Soil is divided into three main categories based on granular size: sand, silt, and clay.

Soil is essential to a tree’s success the necessary components of air, water, and nutrients reach the tree through the soil and Oak Tree’s root system. Water the tree immediately at this point. Fertilizers, especially with young Oaks, should be gentle and slow-releasing in nature. Mulch should not exceed three inches in depth. If using mulch or fertilizer, add these at this point. Hold the Oak Tree vertical while backfilling the hole with dirt and water. Once the hole has been dug, stand the tree vertically in the hole (a partner is beneficial at this stage). The hole should be slightly less deep than the height of the root ball as the tree will settle over time. Digging too deep a hole is less effective, as this makes the passage of air and water to the Oak Tree’s root system more difficult. Remain mindful of width, as this is how the root systems of the Oak Tree retrieve water and oxygen. Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball. Examine the size of the tree’s root ball. Then, order the tree from The Tree Center. The Sawtooth Oak and Live Oak are the most popular species planted in the United States. When to Plant: Early spring is best, though Oaks can be planted year round.įirst, identify the location and type of tree being planted. Provide a heavy watering in early spring if the winter was dry, and water once or twice during the summer if the area is drought-prone. Water: Water immediately after planting and then twice a month for the first six months.
Pin oak tree full#
Sun: Plant in full sun with all day exposure. Then, order your Oak Tree from The Tree Center. Determine the best Oak Tree for the chosen planting location, remaining mindful of full sun exposure, which Oak Trees prefer. Oak Trees, like most trees, do best when the initial stages of growth have been well-tended. Purchasing an Oak Tree from a reputable nursery, such as The Tree Center, is central to the overall future success of the tree. Although Oak Trees require minimal effort on the part of the homeowner and landscaper, review the quick-facts below regarding the needs of an Oak Tree before reading the following sections for an in-depth view of buying, planting, and caring for the Oak Tree. Oak Tree especially can live for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, so careful planting is important with such a long-term investment. It is important to research carefully before beginning the planting of a new tree. Oak Trees are established throughout history and mythology for their central importance such as the Charter Oak in Connecticut, which hid the state’s charter from the King of England, or the Great Oak which represented Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Preferring full sun, Oak Trees grow easily throughout most of the United States, with many species preferring slightly acidic well-draining soils. These trees, often ranging between 40 and 80 feet tall, extend outwards in the same range, providing full shade. Oak Trees are also grown for the generous shade they provide in summer. Oak Trees grow quickly as saplings, establishing themselves within a few growing seasons as the dominant tree in most landscapes. Many Oak Trees demonstrate moderate to fast growth, ranging somewhere between 2 and 5 feet of new growth during the season. Totaling somewhere in the range of 600 species, there is an Oak to suit most any need. Several species fall under the Oak Tree genus, Quercus.