Red white blue stripes flag
Red white blue stripes flag

More than 200 years after this event, many Romans continue to be inspired by, and commemorate, the flying of the flag during the siege. With this, the history of Fort Stanwix was set into motion. This simple act of defiance led to the eventual victory by the Fort Stanwix garrison and the end of the Siege of 1777 a simple flag and some strong words of warning. This is just one of several flags that may have flown over the historic fort. The Grand Union Flag flies with multiple British and loyalist regimental colors. Leger on the occasion as well: "It is my determined defend this fort and garrison to the last extremity, in behalf of the United American States, who have placed me here to defend it against all their enemies." Gansevoort himself later issued a statement back to St. Gansevoort's Regiment was hoisted and a Cannon Levelled at the Enemies Camp was fired on the Occasion. By August 3, Gansevoort and his officers gave their response to this offer, as recorded by a young lieutenant: Early this Morning a Continental Flag made by the Officers of Col. Leger, offered the Americans escape in exchange for unconditional surrender. On August 2, approximately 1,600 British troops and allies arrived at the fort.

red white blue stripes flag

These are the possible proud colors that flew over the Mohawk Valley from the walls of Fort Stanwix throughout the month of August 1777, during a bitter siege that was won by Colonel Peter Gansevoort, his Third New York Regiment, and their allies. Manuscripts and Archives, New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. Leger in response to the latter's demands of surrender. An image of the actual note sent from Colonel Peter Gansevoort to Barry St.

Red white blue stripes flag